This module was created by Walid Javed. Northern Virginia Community College, HIS 135.



The war in Darfur has been a fairly recent even in modern history, officially ending in August of 2009. Darfur, and the country of Sudan itself, has a vast amount of information on the web. The following websites listed below were used to create this module. This web module is for educational purposes only.

Do Something is a website that focuses on different programs/charities. It provides information on a variety of topics. In this article, a timeline is provided on the country of Sudan, focusing on the conflict in Darfur. This timeline is brief, yet provides a lot of information.

Darfur Australia has a guide on Darfur and breaks down the conflict in a simple manner that is understand. While the civil wars in Sudan are complicated, this brief article gives statistics on Darfur and explains groups involved such as the Janjaweed. A great read if you know very little about the war in Darfur.

Insight on Conflict is another wonderful website that provides a great deal on Sudan and the civil wars it has faced. This article is fairly recent and discusses the referendum between the North and South. Since southern Darfur has recently claimed its independence, Darfur has become another region of conflict. 

Amnesty International deals mainly with the violation of human rights around the world. This page on Sudan goes into detail on the International Criminal Court and its involvement with Sudan. Also, the violations of human rights are discussed as well. The article also discusses Women's Rights in Sudan and Darfur.

The Janjaweed is a documentary episode on the Janjaweed militia in Darfur. The Sudanese government does not allow the media to have access to the Janjaweed. However, the synopsis (and transcript) detail the interviews that are conducted by Sudanese reporter Nima Elbagir. The transcript also reveals how the Janjaweed are receiving weapons from China, who is violating the UN embargo that has been placed on Sudan.

Higher Reports of Fatalities than Expected is an article on CNN that discusses the climbing death toll in Darfur. The UN estimates that there death tolls are being underestimated by as much as fifty percent. Also, sexual violence is steadily increasing while food supplies are non-existent. The UN also explains how violence amongst ethnic tribes is deteriorating once strong relationships with one another.

The U.S. Department of State gives background information on Sudan. You can access basic facts such as the location of Sudan, the population, the life expectancy, etc. Surprisingly, the U.S. Department of State provides a very detailed history of Sudan. In addition to the vast amount of information, maps and pictures are provided as well. This website is similar to the CIA World Factbook.

The CIA World Factbook also provides basic background information about Sudan. The Factbook provides more pictures, but the amount of information is about the same as the U.S. Department of State. You can access economy information, study the structure of the government, or view the ethnic tribes within this culturally diverse country.

The Government Aided Militias is an archived Washington Post article that analyzes the role of the Sudanese government and its support of the Janjaweed militia. In the article, the UN reports that there is evidence that implicates the government of aiding, equipping, and even recruiting people for the Janjaweed militia. Just a warning, this page does take longer to load because the article is archived.

Darfur has a Wikipedia entry that provides detailed background information. This article gives details of the region's geography, inhabitants, history, etc. While this article has a lot of information on the conflict in Darfur, there is an equally large amount on Darfur's history as well.

The War in Darfur is a very informational Wikipedia article and is a great place to start if you have little knowledge on the subject. This Wikipedia entry contains a list of countries and tribes affected by the civil wars in Darfur, a timeline of events, and important political leaders involved.

The African Holocaust is a great website that contains a wealth of information about Darfur. What is really nice about this site is that there are lots of visual aides, videos, quotes, etc. The website delves deep into the many conflicts in Darfur. Interestingly, this article also shows how other Arab-Sudanese tribes are being treated by African-Sudanese tribes, even though these Arabs are not all necessarily part of the Janjaweed militia.

The Humanitarian Policy Group posted a brief in October of 2007 about the humanitarian situation within Darfur. This brief  discusses the challenges that aid groups have in the southern region of Sudan. Some challenges that these humanitarian groups face are lack of access to affected communities, as well as no set boundaries within the humanitarian groups.

Eyes on Darfur is a very moving website that allows the reader to see firsthand the destruction that Darfur has weathered through. Readers can view destroyed villages via satellite, listen to first hand accounts of those who have survived, and view numerous photographs of this war-torn region. The purpose of this website is to provide satellite imaging to prove the many atrocities Darfur has faced (and is still facing), despite what the Sudanese government claims.

Darfur Information Center provides detailed information on the western region of Sudan. This website has links to articles about the history of Darfur. The purpose of this website is to expose the human rights violations committed by the Sudanese government, as well as to educate on the cultures and ethnic groups in Darfur.

People's Daily Online has an article with information from the World Food Program (WFP). In this article, the WFP reports that food aid to Darfur has been cut off, affecting over 330,000 people in the region. The WFP had been attempting to get food to Darfur, but was repeatedly prevented. Over 12 humanitarian aid workers were killed in 2006 alone.

PBS has an article that analyzes the history of Darfur. This article contains information on the history of Darfur, the culture, the various ethnic groups that inhabit this region, etc. This article also discusses the Sudanese economy, placing particular emphasis on the oil reserves in the Southern region. PBS also shines light on the health crisis in the region; polio was recently eradicated from the country in 2001.

The Economist has an article that accuses the UN and various other organizations merely watching Darfur "bleed out," instead of coming to their aid. As humanitarian aid is denied entrance into Sudan, the area of Darfur is quickly deteriorating and is receiving little assistance. The article accuses the UN, who has the capability to sanction Sudan, of not doing its duty of protecting the civilians from heinous crimes.

Sudan People's Liberation Movement's website has a lot of information on the rebel group. This group strives for equality for all tribes within Sudan. It discusses the 15 point program, information on the civil war and their views on it, and much more.

The Washington Post posted an article in 2007 about the militia Janjaweed group and how they use rape as a weapon on women in the Darfur region. The article explains how the Janjaweed target Darfuri women and how their purpose is to make a light skinned child. The article also gives details on how most women are unable to prove their rapes due to strict Sudanese laws. Most women are either whipped 100 times; some have even been stoned to death.

John Garang has a Wikipedia entry on the previous leader of the SPLM/A. This Wikipedia entry analyzes Garang's early childhood years, his service in the military, and his political career. The entry gives insight on Garang's political goals, which were equality for all tribes and shared power in the Sudanese government as well.

Omar al-Bashir has a profile on the BBC website. Bashir has lived a life of violence and has been ruling the country of Sudan since 1989. The profile talks about Bashir's military service, his shyness for media interviews, and his downplay of the conflict in Darfur. He is quoted saying, "The Darfur problem is just traditional conflict over resources." The profile also lists his crimes against humanity as well.

The War is Over is an article on the BBC website announcing that the War in Darfur has been officially declared over by the UN's military commander. The article gives the death toll; the UN declares that over 300,000 people have died in the conflict. However, the Sudanese government has their total at a mere 10,000. This article also gives great insight on the political struggles that continue and is doubtful of future peace agreements.